Our school provides a range of sporting, academic and performing arts opportunities for students.

Thursday Sport Program
Throughout the year, all Year 7–10 students participate in regular Thursday sport. Options include:
- Swimming
- Dragon boating
- Cricket facilitated by NSW Cricket
- Soccer skills facilitated by NSW Football
- AFL skills facilitated by NSW AFL
- Touch football
- Zumba
- Taekwondo
- Gym and fitness skills
- Tennis
- Boxing.

Representative Sport
We are part of CGSSSA (Catholic Girls Secondary Schools Sport Association) and MCCS (Metropolitan Catholic Colleges Sports Associations). CGSSSA and MCCS provide students with the opportunity to compete against other schools in our region. Participation in CGSSSA gala day events is a pathway for student selection in NSWCCC (Combined Catholic Colleges) teams and MCCS is a part of our weekly Thursday sports program. Students are also given the opportunity to represent the college in over 20 different sport, including competitive dance.

Through our boat shed, located on the Lane Cove River, we run a sailing program as an extracurricular sport activity, held in conjunction with the existing sport program. The program is open to all students in Years 7–10. Students learn basic sailing skills such as how to rig, launch, capsize and recover a Laser plus basic sailing manoeuvres. Intermediate level sailors learn more advanced skills such as navigating and racing.

Academic Opportunities
Our students participate in a number of competitions including:
- Catholic Schools Debating Association
- Catholic Schools’ Association Public Speaking
- Lions ‘Youth of the Year’ Public Speaking Competition
- Da Vinci Decathlon
- Stage 6 Chemistry Titration Competition
- Investigating Mathematics.

Talent Development Program
The Talent Development Program (TDP) is our unique program to meet the needs of students with a passion for the performing arts. All students participate in an annual TDP Showcase evening, which grants them the opportunity to present their performance repertoire to a live audience. Many students in TDP also undertake private music tuition during the school day.
We offer the following TDP programs:
- Open dance technique
- Contemporary dance
- Jazz dance troupe
- Hip Hop crew
- Vocal ensemble
- Choir
- Stage band
- Concert band
- Contemporary performance
- String and woodwind ensemble
- Junior drama ensemble
- Senior drama ensemble.

Musical and Large Scale Production
The college has a long tradition of musical productions. Every second year, the college produces a whole school musical or large scaled drama production. Neighbouring colleges such as St Joseph’s Hunters Hill, St Ignatius’ College Riverview, Holy Cross College Ryde and Marist College Eastwood are also invited to partake in these large scale productions.